• Projekt állapota: Folyamatban levő
  • Kar: TKK

Projekt azonosító: KEGA 001UPJŠ-4/2023

Megvalósítási időszak:  2023 -   2025

Vezető kutató: Mgr.  Szarka Katarína, PhD.


The project aims to expand the formative assessment tool databases. So far, they focused on science and at this stage, social science subjects will be added. The goal is to shift formative assessment (FA) towards digital forms and implement it into teaching by creating a digital library. The main goal is to create a collection of formative assessment tools (FAT) for the selected social science subjects (Slovak, English, and German languages, history) and digitally process all databases. They will become a part of the existing digital library for teaching science subjects, selected social science subjects, and mathematics at primary schools. Another goal is to verify its influence on developing conceptual understanding and self-reflection in students as well as teachers’, students’, and parents’ opinions on and attitudes to FA. In terms of the project, the contents as well as functionalities of the digital library will be expanded. The implementation of the digital library into practice will take place in cooperation with digital coordinators and selected teachers at primary schools. Digital coordinators as well as teachers will be trained to work with the digital library via courses and guidelines will be created. The selected teachers will be trained to cooperate in the creation of the FAT database. The digital library can potentially help teachers and students develop their digital skills. The efficiency of teaching using the digital library will be verified via pedagogical research. The research results can be used for the primary school curriculum modification proposals as well as in student assessment in the individual educational cycles and areas.

The project builds on the results of the VEGA projects No. 1/0265/17 Formative assessment in the teaching of natural sciences, mathematics and informatics and KEGA No. 004UPJŠ-4/2020 Creation, implementation, and verification of the effectiveness of digital library with the formative assessment tools for the natural sciences, mathematics and informatics at the elementary school.

A projekt kiírója: The Cultural and Educational Grant Agency (Slovak acronym: “KEGA”) of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic

Társkutatók: Mgr. Paulíková Klaudia, PhD.,  Mgr. Borbélyová Diana, PhD.,  Mgr. Jaruska Ladislav, PhD.