• Project status: Completed project
  • Faculty: FEI

Project ID: VEGA 1/0386/21

Solution period: 2021 - 2023

Project leader: Dr. habil. RNDr. Peter Csiba, PhD.

Annotation: We would like to research the factors influencing why students like or do not like mathematics. The main goal isto find out how to stimulate and maintain students' interest in mathematics; how to create and gradually changetheir attitude, and what role attitude can play in getting pupils into a flow state during the process of learningmathematics.We are also planning to focus our research on the use of ICT in teaching mathematics. Our naive presumptionabout using ICT tools might be wrong: we only see opportunities and potential benefits, but we forget about thethreats and risks. We are planning to implement the activity through experimental quantitative and qualitative research, acombination of a questionnaire survey with in-depth analysis and case studies.Based on the data obtained from the research, we aim to answer the research questions posed through theproject goals.Based on the verified results, recommendations can be elaborated for future and for active mathematicsteachers.

Granting authority: The Scientific Grant Agency (Slovak acronym: “VEGA”) of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic

Co-researchers: prof. RNDr. János Tóth, PhD. (deputy project leader),  RNDr. Ladislav Jaruska, PhD., RNDr. Ferdinánd Filip, PhD., RNDr. Zoltán Fehér, PhD., Alexander Maťašovský, PhD., Mgr. Szilárd Svitek, PhD., prof. Dr. Annamária Várkonyiné Kóczy, DSc., Mgr. Miklós Vontszemű (2022, 2023), Mgr. Imrich Csicsay (2022), Mgr. Peter Vajo (2023)