• Project status: Completed project
  • Faculty: FE

Project ID: APVV-18-0115

Solution period:  2019 - 2023

Project leader: Dr. habil. Sándor János Tóth, PhD.

Annotation: The project starts from the current trends in LL research. It concerns eight such linguistic  landscapes, four of them located in Slovakia (Bratislava, Banská Bystrica, Banská Štiavnica, Komárno), two of them located in Germany (Erlangen, Munich), and two in Hungary (Komárom and Békéscsaba). Contrary to most other LL studies, the project does not aim at a predefined set of explanatory parameters that would be reflected by corresponding foci. Rather, the project is grounded in a broader perspective allowing analyses in terms of multimodal semiotics and linguistics. The choice of Slovak, German, and Hungarian cities underlines the comparative stance the project takes.

Granting authority: Slovak Research and Development Agency (Slovak acronym: "APVV")

Co-researchers: Mgr. Vojtech Istók, PhD., Mgr. Gábor Lőrincz, PhD.